Backstage News On The Future Of AEW's Win-Loss Records

From AEW's inception the company has pushed the idea that wins and losses matter, and that led to the creation of records for the tag team, women's, and men's divisions. However, in recent times the rankings have not been tapped into as much, and according to Dave Meltzer on the latest "Wrestling Observer Radio," that is an intentional decision as AEW is toning down on that. 

While the win-loss records are not completely dead in the water, the decision was made by the company to not emphasize them as much on television anymore, but there is always a chance that choice could be reversed in the future. 

Previously the records were used to determine the number one contenders for title matches, but in recent times those encounters have been created using people not in the top spot, as can be seen by several of the upcoming matches at that "AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam" show. The fatal four way for the AEW World Women's Championship wasn't created using the ranking system, and neither was the AEW Tag Team Championship match. 

Originally the ranking system was used to create a more realistic sports-based feel about the company to differentiate AEW from its competition. However, the system has been called out at times, particularly by FTR, who have technically been top of the tag team rankings for several months, yet they never received a shot at the gold. Cash Wheeler had previously discussed a possible match against Swerve In Our Glory, saying, "we're No. 1 contenders, so that probably can't happen. When we drop down from there, maybe we'll cash in," making his thoughts on the system clear.

