Alexander Hammerstone Reflects On His Brief WWE Stint

Alexander Hammerstone is celebrating his first anniversary as MLW World Champion with Major League Wrestling, though in a new "Wrassingh" interview he was reminded that his efforts to gain a place on the WWE came to naught. However, Hammerstone has no regrets about how his career turned out.

Hammerstone told interviewer A.J. Singh that he is not the type of person who "get to a certain point and then they look back with this bitter attitude of, 'Hey, those guys slept on me when they had the chance.' It's not like that –- when they had the chance to sign me, I might have shown that raw potential. But I hadn't begun to flourish. I hadn't started proving what I'm capable of –- I was just raw potential."

Hammerstone did four auditions for WWE –- in 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 –- but the closest he came to being part of the roster was when worked as a bodyguard for Tyler Breeze in 2015. He joined MLW in 2019 after working in independent promotions including Classic Wrestling from Hollywood and PCW Ultra. Yet Hammerstone insisted WWE's rejections were blessings in disguise. "Getting turned away might have been that kick in the ass that stuck me on the path I'm on now," he said. 

Hammerstone added that "maybe down the line there's another chance to work together," but he is not pinning his hopes on that outcome. "For the time being, I'm grateful for everything that's happened the way it's happened because it's, it's carved me into the wrestler I am today."

