Ari Daivari Discusses His Backstage AEW Producer Role

Ari Daivari wears a couple of hats in AEW as both a talent and producer. During a recent episode of "AEW Unrestricted", Daivari opened up about what his producer role entails.

The former "WWE 205 Live" star recounted how his brother Shawn Daivari was signed to WWE at a young age and received advice from legends such as Chris Jericho and The Undertaker before eventually becoming a producer at WWE. Daivari followed in his brother's footsteps in more ways than one.

"So while I was in WWE, I was always thinking about different ideas and watching people's matches very closely, and I knew [producing] was something I eventually wanted to do," Daivari said. "[Shawn] became a producer at WWE, so I started talking to him more and more about the process. Eventually I started doing it as a trial run there as well too before I started with AEW."

Pat Buck helped Daivari get in touch with Tony Khan, who suggested Parker Boudreaux as someone he thought would benefit from working under his guidance. Additionally, Daivari confirmed that he also helps out with the women's division.

When it comes to producing matches, Daivari noted one of his main responsibilities is reigning in talent while instilling psychology in their matches.

"So a producer here is sometimes almost like reigning talent just a little bit for their own good," Daivari stated. "We've got some wild, crazy guys and girls that are so dedicated to this business that if you don't reign them back a little bit, they're going to go out there and potentially kill themselves for the love of the business. Being a producer, you sometimes wanna help instill the psychology, making sure some of the old school rules live on while still adding a new school flavor to it."

