Former WWE Official Questions SmackDown Match Placement

The Usos officially made history today by becoming the longest reigning WWE Tag Team Champions of all time, which is something they secured by beating the former record holders The New Day on "WWE SmackDown" last week. However, former WWE official Jimmy Korderas questioned whether that match should have closed the show instead of opening it during his latest "Reffin Rant" because "it was such a high note and such a banger."

"Kind of tough to find something to critique from Friday Night "SmackDown" ... I thought Friday Night "SmackDown" was a pretty good episode, especially that opening match was fantastic," he said. "What else can you say about it except five, 10, 15 stars, whatever you want to give it?" The match between the two teams kickstarted the show, whereas "SmackDown" closed with a huge brawl as The Bloodline fought The Brawling Brutes and Drew McIntyre to wrap up the show, which was a clear tease towards a potential WarGames match at the upcoming Survivor Series premium live event. 

"I get it, they're planting the seed for WarGames at Survivor Series, but at the same time, it almost feels like that match should have ended the show because it was ... such a big deal that The Usos are going to be the longest reigning Tag Team Champions of all time, maybe that should have ended the show," Korderas responded. "But then again, hindsight is 20/20 and I am nitpicking." Either way, the tag team title run that The Usos are on now will be etched into the history books, and as each day passes that record will continue to grow. It now remains to be seen who will be next to challenge them.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Reffin Rant" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

