Jim Ross Says Talent Would Complain About This WWE Legend On A Daily Basis

Shawn Michaels might have been known as "The Heartbreak Kid" during his career peak, but according to WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross, Michaels could have been called "The Headache Kid" for the problems he generated within the company.

"I got complaints about Shawn from talents all the time," recalled the legendary announcer on his "Grilling JR" podcast. "Pretty much on a daily basis."

But despite the displeasure that Michaels brought to his workplace, Ross noted that all of the grumblings were ultimately for naught.

"The talents also knew that Shawn had such a connection with Vince [McMahon] that they can only push that issue so far," Ross continued. "And then it runs into Vince's judgment call and you're basically telling Vince, 'You're making a huge mistake. You don't know what you're doing, blah, blah, blah.'"

Ross' co-host Conrad Thompson pointed out that Michaels was an endless source of drama, holding nine titles during this time with WWE while being involved in such bizarre controversies such as antagonizing audiences at December 1997 house shows in Memphis, Tennessee and Little Rock, Arkansas – the latter erupted into an audience riot – to his being beaten up in a bar by six U.S. Marines.

Ross said "there were no fines or punishment doled out" against Michaels for his actions, adding he would not go out of his way to force McMahon to acknowledge the issues with his star wrestler.

"I'm not going to die on that hill because I'm going to lose," he said.

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Grilling JR" with an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

