Former WWE Star Calls Bray Wyatt One Of The Coolest Guys He Ever Met

Brad Maddox seemingly vanished from the world of professional wrestling after being released by WWE near the end of 2015. He operated as the General Manager of "WWE Raw" for a couple of years, but a dicey dark match promo sent him packing. Then, entangled in the video leaks of former WWE Superstar Paige, he went off the grid completely. 


However, he's resurfaced in an interview with "Developmentally Speaking," where he recently discussed what the backstage environment was like during his run with WWE. In particular, he had nothing but positive things to say about his former colleague Bray Wyatt, who returned to much fanfare last year.

"I thought everyone was very cool," Maddox said. "Bray Wyatt and some of the older guys, very cool guys. Like, some of the coolest guys, and Bray was one of the absolute coolest guys I ever met. I just never got really, really close with everyone, either, which probably has much to say about me as anyone else."

Maddox did say that he believes there was probably some jaw-jacking in the WWE locker room during his run, but for the most part, it was a chill environment. He said if he ever felt like there was any animosity with anyone, he'd utilize it as part of a storyline. He used the example of calling himself a "first-generation superstar," feeling he had a chip on his shoulder at the time since he didn't have a family name to rely on to get him places within the industry.


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Developmentally Speaking," with an H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

