Jimmy Korderas Questions If Anyone Wants To See AEW Referee Aubrey Edwards Wrestle

On "AEW Rampage" the seeds were set for an inter-gender tag team match that would have AEW official Aubrey Edwards team up with Mark Briscoe to face Jeff and Karen Jarrett. However, during his latest "Reffin Rant," former WWE official Jimmy Korderas questioned if anyone is interested in seeing it.


During his own career, Korderas was involved in a referee strike angle. However, he pointed out that his storyline saw him just be a tool to facilitate a bigger angle — something he doesn't see with the Edwards situation. "This is just an angle to get someone in there so they can get their 15 minutes of fame and nothing more," he said. "That's how it feels to me, I am not thrilled at all about this."

Edwards has had issues with Jeff Jarrett and his crew for several months now. It began when she overruled the decision that initially saw Jarrett and Jay Lethal win the AEW World Tag Team Championship. Since then, she has gotten physical with Sonjay Dutt and, at Double Or Nothing, found herself on the receiving end of a guitar shot via Karen Jarrett. 


Having an official involved in a match would introduce a new wrinkle to AEW's presentation, which has been heavily sports-centric to this point. But Edwards has increasingly established her personality during her time as an AEW ref, putting plenty of wrestlers in their place when needed, including Chris Jericho. As a result, she's developed a genuine fan following as a beloved official, and AEW is set to try capitalizing on that.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Reffin Rant" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription. 

