Mick Foley On The Laugh That Helped Make WWE Hell In A Cell History

June 28 marks 25 years since the most famous match of Mick Foley's wrestling career, his Hell in a Cell match as Mankind vs. The Undertaker at King of the Ring in 1998. The match is best remembered for Foley being thrown from the top of the cage and through the Spanish announcer's desk, and later chokeslammed through the cage roof into the ring


On the anniversary, Foley appeared on SiriusXM's "Busted Open Radio," where co-host Tommy Dreamer prodded him by bringing up how it was Terry Funk's idea for the match to start on top of the cage.

"Terry's got some really out-there thoughts as far as things to go that extra mile," Foley explained. "The scenario was [that] Terry and I stopped by the WWE offices, which you seldom do, but I guess we were having a house show that night within driving distance of Stamford. We got a workout in, and then I asked if we could watch the Shawn Michaels-Undertaker match, the first-ever Cell match, which was even better than I remembered it, and I remembered it as being an amazing match. 

"I just look at Terry, I said, 'What am I going to do?' And he goes, 'Ah, Cactus, I have no idea!' Which is not a good sign when Terry has no idea. And then I'll never forget his laugh, he goes, 'Hahaha, you know what you oughtta do? You oughtta start the match on top of the Cell, and what if he were to throw you off? Hahaha.'"


They laughed it off together, but then Foley visualized it. "And then I looked at Terry, and I said, 'I think I can do that.'" The hardest part of making it happen was actually convincing The Undertaker that it was a good idea, with the man behind the gimmick asking, "Why are you so intent on killing yourself?" But he felt that it was so difficult to top the Michaels match that he managed to bring 'Taker around.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Busted Open Radio" with an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

