WWE's Xavier Woods Details Dream Job After Wrestling Career: Game Show Host

During a recent appearance on "Superstar Crossover," WWE star Xavier Woods was asked if he knows what the next phase of his career will look like post-wrestling.

Woods started off by stating that he's always been focused on what the next chapter of his career will look like. As adults, there are chapters and it's very likely for people to switch professions at some point. Woods shared that he's talked to other veterans about their transition out of the business and he's learned that it can be scary and take time.


"So, I've been doing a lot of work in the video game space because I wanted to do two things when I was a kid — be a pro wrestler, a WWE superstar, and work in video games," Woods said. "So I made this YouTube channel eight years ago, 'UpUpDownDown,' where we play a lot of games, we're doing all this stuff. I've been able to start writing a couple pages of my next chapter before this one ends because I wanted to make sure that I'm set up, that I can still have fun."

He continued, "You're going to see me hosting more video game stuff, bouncing around doing tournaments here and there. Also, I'm trying to host a game show. I know they just booked Ryan Seacrest to be the new host of 'Wheel of Fortune' after Pat Sajak leaves, but he can keep the seat warm for me, and then when I'm ready and I've got the chops in the field, I'm gonna be on there."


Woods admitted that his dream would be to host "Wheel of Fortune" out of the game shows that currently exist. If he were to revive one, it would be Nickelodeon's "Nick Arcade."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Superstar Crossover" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

