WWE Hall Of Famer Kurt Angle Comments On Deaths Of Terry Funk And Bray Wyatt

The wrestling world lost two beloved personalities last month, as WWE Hall of Famer Terry Funk and former WWE Champion Bray Wyatt died on August 23 and 24, respectively. In the wake of their deaths, Kurt Angle shared his thoughts, and prayers, during a recent episode of "The Kurt Angle Show."


"My prayers go out to both of them and their families," Angle said. "Terry Funk was such a legend. I mean, he wrestled forever, I think maybe 50 years. He just had an incredible career. It was unparalleled. And Bray Wyatt, he was a trailblazer. The guy just had a different flavor, a different taste that people really were drawn to. He really had an incredible character that he portrayed incredibly well. He was so talented, and he will be sorely missed."

Diving deeper into his previous interactions with Wyatt, Angle commended Wyatt for his humility, noting that he seemed to get along with everyone in WWE. Beyond his character on-screen, Angle says Wyatt "did all the right things" backstage as well. For those reasons, Wyatt has earned the respect of the Olympic gold medalist. 


"R.I.P. Bray," Angle said. 

While Angle never received the opportunity to tangle up with Wyatt in the ring, he did encounter Funk on one occasion. In June 2006, WWE held an event entitled "WWE vs. ECW Head To Head," in which performers from WWE and ECW competed against each other. One of the matches was a 20-man battle royal that featured the likes of Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman, Randy Orton, Edge, and of course, Angle and Funk. This contest was ultimately won by The Big Show. 

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "The Kurt Angle Show" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

