Christian Claims Tony Khan Has Just Re-Signed Him To Lucrative New AEW Contract

Christian Cage has announced that AEW has re-signed him to a "big fat contract."

Tony Khan thanked Christian Cage for the work that he's doing in AEW during the All Out post-show media scrum, and stated that the former WWE star is probably doing some of the best wrestling of his career with AEW. Christian then turned his attention to the media and said that some of them had doubted his ability and went on to reveal that he has signed a new deal with AEW.

"Weren't there people — it might have been even some of you people — that said that I wasn't worth the hype? I think I proved you all wrong, didn't I?" asked Cage. "I know I proved Tony Khan right because he re-signed me to a big fat contract. He opened the vault for me, and I deserve every single penny that I got."

Christian joined AEW in 2021, a month after returning to the ring at the 2021 Royal Rumble show. He had then stated that he signed a long-term contract with AEW and that he's in it for the long haul.

Cage didn't wrestle at Sunday's All Out show, but he accompanied his protégé, Luchasaurus, to the ring for the AEW TNT Champion's match against two-time champion TNT Champion, Darby Allin. Luchasaurus retained his title with a little help from Christian, who was also keen on hitting a Con-chair-to on Darby.

