Dutch Says Buzz From The Wyatt 6 Led To The Righteous Signing With AEW

The Righteous have been earning their stripes within AEW and the new-look ROH in recent months — but things could have panned out very differently earlier this year. The duo of Vincent and Dutch were standouts on the independent scene for many years, working the pre-pandemic version of ROH and also spending time in Impact Wrestling, before being sounded out by WWE last year. 


All signs were pointing to both men becoming full-time stars in the sports entertainment juggernaut, with rumors about joining forces with the late Bray Wyatt gaining steam at the back end of 2022.

In an interview with "Developmentally Speaking," Dutch was quizzed on the potential to be part of a new 'Wyatt 6' faction. While the idea never got off the ground, there was a belief that was the direction planned for them in WWE before they ultimately returned to ROH in March and signed with AEW.

"It would have been great, we were down there in NXT for a week or so back in December and the ball seemed to be rolling at the time," he said. "It kind of just got stopped for whatever reason –- it might have been the illness that he had –- but I guess we'll never know. We talked a lot about different ideas ... it never came to fruition –- it was being thrown around. I don't think that I would be in the position that I am now with AEW if it wasn't for him ... we created that buzz on social media for X amount of months. Everything happens for a reason."


The Righteous have added Stu Grayson to their ranks and have been feuding with Dark Order recently, before being part of a tag team battle royal on "AEW Rampage" in the lead-up to All Out in Chicago last week. 

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Developmentally Speaking" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

