Why Eric Bischoff Thinks We'd See A Different CM Punk If He Returned To WWE

During a recent episode of "83 Weeks," WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff discussed the likelihood of CM Punk returning to WWE following his termination from AEW.

"It could be good," Bischoff said. "Look, again, this falls in the category of fantasy booking, but let's just entertain ourselves for a minute. What if WWE, for whatever reason, Paul Levesque decided, 'You know what, I'm gonna bring him in and give it a shot.' Historically, WWE's done that type of thing, you just covered it. But also, Punk is not going to bully his way around a WWE locker room. He'll find himself stuffed in a garbage can. That won't be tolerated, and he knows that."


Bischoff added, "It's one thing to get physical and call it 'Jungle' Jack Perry, it's quite another thing to try and throw your weight around in a WWE locker room. It's not the same. And I think Punk — I don't know him at all — but Punk would also know that this is like a big opportunity and probably my last shot. So he'd probably go in with a much different attitude than he had in AEW... The question is whether or not they need him and it's worth the risk to them."

Punk, of course, hasn't appeared for WWE since January 2014. After walking out of the company, WWE terminated his contract later that summer. He eventually became involved with "WWE Backstage" on FOX in 2019, but that deal was purely under a FOX contract. Punk reportedly visited the backstage area at "WWE Raw" in Chicago in April but was asked to leave.


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "83 Weeks" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

