Kevin Sullivan Thought WWE Star 'Wouldn't Cut It,' Says He's Among All-Time Greats

When one thinks of Rey Mysterio's long and illustrious career, the luchador is likely to be associated more with fellow luchadors like Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera than the leader of the Dungeon of Doom, Kevin Sullivan. But as Mysterio was climbing the ranks of WCW in his early 20s, one of the key members of the WCW booking committee was Sullivan.


In the latest episode of "Tuesday's With The Taskmaster," Sullivan talked about Mysterio and admitted that he didn't think the Hall of Famer would be able to cut it wrestling in a major US promotion. He is now, though, proud to admit that he was 100% off the mark in that prediction.

"When I saw him, he looked like a little chick that came out of an egg," Sullivan said. "That's how young he was ... He comes in, and how tall is Rey do you think? I'd say 5 feet, 3 inches, 5 feet, 4 inches. Now, he ends up beating Kevin Nash and it was logical. One of the greatest of all time. He's not appreciated enough. He is fabulous. When he came in, and Konnan was the one that brought him in to me, I thought 'Oh god.' 


"And then he ends up beating Nash on TV, and it was believable, and then he wrestled for how many decades for WWF/E? And [he's] still going strong and still a huge star. And his kid ... when I first met him, I bet you he was 70 pounds, and I thought 'Wow, the kid's not even in shape.' He's one of the greatest heels they have right now."

Mysterio's iconic win over Nash came in 1999, which was one of many giant-killing performances by him in his Hall of Fame career.

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