Baron Corbin Defeats Bron Breakker (Though Not Cleanly) At WWE NXT No Mercy

After catching a top rope plancha from an interfering Mr. Stone and launching him over the top rope into a crowd of security guards, Bron Breakker appeared poised for a win over Baron Corbin in the opening match of "NXT" No Mercy. The interference, however, distracted Breakker enough for him to walk right into an End of Days from Corbin, who secured the victory.


The feud between Breakker and Corbin reached its apex on this week's episode of "WWE NXT," with the pair fighting through the parking lot, through a car door, onto the hood, the roof, into a bay door, and ultimately, after Breakker dodged a flying fire extinguisher from Corbin, through the wall of Shawn Michaels' office. And this match picked up right where that brawl left off, with Breakker hitting a Tope Con Hilo before the bell even rang. After battling through the crowd, Corbin missed an attempted senton bomb on Breakker, poised on the announce table, temporarily knocking out the audio cord from the headsets of Vic Joseph and Booker T. 

Breakker narrowly avoided an End of Days by flipping out of it and subsequently attempting a pin, but Corbin thwarted that effort and made his way back outside the ring. Breakker, licking his chops, stormed around the ring and toward Corbin looking for a spear, but "The Lone Wolf" sidestepped Breakker and tossed him through the announce table instead.


Unleashing his inner dog, Breakker effectively no-sold the spot, sitting up quickly and spearing Corbin before re-entering the ring, where he was met by Stone, seeking vengeance for Breakker's destruction of his client Von Wagner a few weeks back. But as quickly as Breakker caught and disposed of Stone, Corbin pounced on the opportunity, landing the End of Days to pick up the win.

