Eric Bischoff Names WCW Veteran As One Of His Favorite Luchadores

During his time with WCW, Eric Bischoff introduced several top-level luchadors from Mexico to the American wrestling audience. Among those talents was the original La Parka, known for his use of a chair, his unique skeleton outfit — inspired by Mexico's Dia de Muertos — and his unique dance moves.


While rewatching a La Parka match during an episode of his "83 Weeks" podcast, Bischoff discussed all of the elements that made La Parka stand out at that time.

"I think it's a combination of all of the above, as it usually is," Bischoff said. "It's the ingredients that ultimately make the greatest dish. You look at La Parka, and the other thing I liked about La Parka is he knew how to go out there and have fun, and when to have fun. He was ... I don't want to say a comedic character, but he had a great sense of comedic timing. But he could back it up with physicality and performance."

"The costuming was extremely unique, even by luchador standards," he continued. "But it was a combination. He was a great performer with a great sense of comedic timing and a gimmick that everybody will remember forever. He was really one of my favorites. Look, Rey Mysterio was in a class by himself the minute he walked through the door of WCW and continues to be," Bischoff added. "But La Parka, in many respects, was one of my favorite luchadors."


Like Mysterio, La Parka continues to perform at a high level these days in Mexico and the United States, now wrestling under the name LA Park. He was most recently seen in August in the main event of TripleMania XXXI: Mexico City, wrestling AEW star and long-time rival Rush, Psycho Clown, and Sam Adonis.

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