Matt Hardy On TNA Colleague LA Knight's WWE Rise, If He'll Beat Roman Reigns

LA Knight is arguably the most performer in WWE right now. However, upon debuting on the main roster, he was given the name Max Dupri and saddled with a male model gimmick. With Vince McMahon gone from WWE creative now, though, Knight is being positioned as a threat to Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns, and AEW Matt Hardy is happy to see his former TNA colleague shine.


During a recent episode of "The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy," the AEW explained that WWE almost missed the boat with Knight. This was due to McMahon's inability to see him as a potential main eventer using the name and characteristics that turned the Superstar into a household name in the first place.

"Just imagine if someone said to you a year ago, just go two years. Well, LA Knight could be a threat to Roman Reigns. What was his name before? Max Dupri. And just the fact, very happy for him because he is a very hard worker, and I was a big fan of his, as we'd discussed on the podcast before. But the fact Vince didn't see that and kind of missed what could have been is very wild, and that's very telling of the thing that Vince isn't necessarily in creative now."


Knight's surge in popularity has reportedly convinced WWE to give him a mega push, especially now that he's proven to be a top merchandise seller and ratings draw. That said, despite being one of the biggest babyfaces in WWE, Hardy doesn't envision the former TNA star toppling Reigns for the gold.

"I think Roman is still going to continue to reign on as the champion. And I see Roman dropping the title on the biggest of platforms, you know, on the biggest stage, I'm guessing at a WrestleMania or SummerSlam at a minimum."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

