Tyson Kidd Recalls How He Won Over WWE HOFer Bret Hart

While Tyson Kidd might now be part of the Hart family via his marriage with Natalya, he managed to win Bret Hart's approval long before that point after he got the opportunity to start training at "The Hitman's" house in 1996. Hart tested him and Teddy Hart on the psychological reason he didn't use the Sharpshooter during the King of the Ring tournament in 1993, which Kidd passed with flying colors.


"He's like, 'Do you guys know what it was?' Right away Ted jumped in and he goes, 'They worked your knee,' and Bret said no," Kidd revealed to "Insight with Chris Van Vliet." "I thought for a second, and I can remember Razor stomping on Bret's hands and then he goes for the Sharpshooter on Mr. Perfect and he grabs his fingers and I said, 'Your fingers.'"

Kidd admitted that Hart wondered how he had figured it out, and was surprised at the focus Kidd was putting into wrestling matches despite the fact he was only 16 years of age at the time.

"I think that's what started the wheels of like Bret was like, 'Oh he really does pay attention to details," he said.

That attention is something that Kidd was able to implement throughout his own in-ring career and now passes it to the current generation of wrestlers as a producer for WWE. He has often been praised by current wrestlers for his work in producing matches, and his ability to focus on the little things will certainly be a factor in that.


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Insight with Chris Van Vliet" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

