Kevin Von Erich Opens Up About His Sons Deciding To Become Pro Wrestlers

Despite the tragedy surrounding their family predecessors, Marshall and Ross Von Erich always felt they were destined to join the professional wrestling business, so in 2012, they did just that. More than a decade later, the brothers continue to make their rounds across the landscape, with their latest matches taking place at ROH and AEW. On a recent episode of "Talk Is Jericho," Ross and Marshall's father, Kevin Von Erich, became visibly emotional as he reflected on the profound experience of witnessing his sons follow in his footsteps and cultivate their own journeys in the wrestling industry.


"Shoot, man. At first, [my emotions were] way worse. Even now when I watch them, I kind of get choked up sometimes," Kevin said. "It's so much, and it's not something I had planned. Before, I put a paper bag on my head."

While Ross and Marshall were initially unsure if a career in professional wrestling would pan out for them, their doubts were later dissolved when they came across an incredible sighting while up on a rooftop in Japan. During a tour with Pro Wrestling NOAH, Ross and Marshall headed to the roof of one of the venues, where they carved their names and the year "2012" into a brick wall. When the two later returned to the rooftop, they were greeted with a familial remnant left by their father and their uncle David Von Erich.


"While we were talking, we looked on the brick wall and there was a faded scratch mark, and we looked at it like a few times, but then we got closer to it, and it said 'Kev. Dave 1980-something.' It rocked us because they were exactly our age at that time ... That was the confirmation that my brother and I took that as 'Okay, this is the door that's open right now. We'll continue down this journey until another door opens or until God says otherwise,'" Marshall recalled.

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Talk Is Jericho" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

