WWE Hall Of Famer Road Dogg Shares Biggest Regret Of His Career

Road Dogg was part of what many fans consider to be the best iteration of D-Generation X, and his pairing with Billy Gunn as the New Age Outlaws dominated the early Attitude Era's tag team ranks. However, his struggle with drugs potentially hurt his career, and on his "Oh, You Didn't Know?" podcast, the veteran admitted his habit affected his work, but said that he wouldn't change anything.


According to Road Dogg, he has no regrets, especially since he's grown in the industry across the last 13 years as a sober man. "I've learned so much in those 13 years that I didn't know then. I don't know if I would change anything because I had to go through all that to get to where I'm at now and learn the things I've learned — both good and bad." Despite this, he wishes he paid more attention to what was going on at the time, and had a career that "lasted more than two years as a cool run." Additionally, he admitted that he didn't play his cards right, and again emphasized that he never paid attention. "It sounds horrible, but I phoned it in on drugs, and I guess I wish I would have seen how good I was without them."


He also looked back at his 2015 WWE return, and while he believes he was "over the hill" by then, he enjoyed his brief run. "It was fun and I felt like I was better at what I was doing because I felt like I was smarter at it." In conclusion, Road Dogg believes his experience made him into the person he is today, and that he's better off having gone through everything he did.

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