Why Bully Ray Says The Rock Isn't Needed For WWE WrestleMania 2024

The Rock recently made a triumphant return to WWE, cutting a promo that hinted at a feud with Roman Reigns. The two will undoubtedly clash to determine the true "Tribal Chief," but Bully Ray doesn't think their match should happen during this year's "WrestleMania." "They don't need The Rock for WrestleMania," Bully said on "Busted Open Radio." The veteran continued, explaining that "The People's Champ" should be used to elevate someone instead. "So, if Roman defeats Rock it puts him into this godlike status, but then Cody beats Roman, it straps a rocket to Cody's back."


Bully continued to emphasize this year's "WrestleMania" doesn't need Rock, and will perform well regardless of his appearance. "It's gonna be the biggest of all time whether The Rock is there or not." Despite this, he still suggested it could end up happening, as WWE has done things like this in the past, but he strongly feels that the promotion doesn't have to use legends this time around.  

Bully also explained that WWE has finally built major stars, and while they aren't on the same level as Steve Austin, Rock, or Triple H, they're still legitimate. "But now you're building some real-deal stars on their own who can finally take the company into the next five to ten years without relying on the 'Austins', the 'Rocks', and those megastars coming back."


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Busted Open Radio" and credit Wrestling Inc. with a h/t for the transcription.

