AEW Collision Results 2/3 - CMLL Continue To Make Their Presence Known With Hechicero

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live results for AEW "Collision" on February 3, 2024. We're live from the Bert Ogden Arena in Edinburg, Texas!

Earlier in the week, Tony Khan announced that Bryan Danielson would face CMLL's Hechicero. On "Dynamite", Hechicero, Volador, Jr., Mascara Dorada, and Mistico were ringside for Jon Moxley vs. Jeff Hardy. Moxley ended up in their laps during the match. There was some pushing and shoving before Mox returned to the ring.


Following the match, the CMLL Four (Cuatro?) attacked Moxley. BCC wasn't in the arena, so he was saved by others including Matt Sydal, Christopher Daniels, Daddy Magic, and Cool Hand Ang. This set up a match on "Rampage" that saw Team CMLL get the win. Danielson will look to get revenge for his BCC partner tonight.

Last week, Serena Deeb returned to the ring for the first time since August 2022. After beating Robyn Renegade in mere minutes, Deeb put the women's locker room on notice. She said she's back to elevate the division, to put wrestling back in All Elite Wrestling, and to become champion. Deeb continues on her path by taking on the red-hot Queen Aminata. She's been making a name for herself since returning from injuries weeks ago. "The One and Only" has been splitting her time between AEW and ROH and making everyone take notice.


Speaking of a wrestler making a name for themselves, Bryan Keith is fresh off his first trip to Japan, where he wrestled in DDT Pro. After getting a taste of wrestling in Japan, he will face AEW's Continental Champion, Eddie Kingston.

Fresh off their win in last week's "Escape the Cage" match, FTR and Daniel Garcia will look to continue their winning ways against Christian Cage and The Patriarchy.

Eddie Kingston vs. Bryan Keith

This match is a Proving Ground match meaning Keith has to either beat Kingston or last 10 minutes to get a shot at the Continental Crown. They start off with lockups until Keith hit a shoulder tackle. Kingston knocked him down and followed with punches. He got Keith into the ropes and proceeded to lay in chops. They exchanged headbutts. Keith got Kingston to his knees.


Kingston hit Keith with a knee to the face before attempting to suplex him. The two exchanged slaps and forearms. Keith has stood his ground, even with Kingston's relentless attacks.

During picture-in-picture, Kingston relegated Keith to the corner. After the break, Keith knocked Kingston down from the top turnbuckle. Kingston got back on the apron and copped Keith several times before Keith knocked him off. Then, he did a running cannonball off the apron onto the champion.

Back inside, Kingston hit Keith with an exploder. Keith returned the favor and then blocked the back fist. He put Kingston in a Blue Thunderbomb, but Kingston kicked out. Kingston was out of sorts and climbed to the corner. Keith chopped him and Kingston hit him with a spinning backfist. Kingston nearly pinned Keith, but he got his shoulder up. Kingston hit Keith with shotgun chops until he dropped to his feet. Keith put him in a chokehold from the turnbuckle. Kingston put Keith in a sleeperhold, but Keith stood up.


This is a star making performance for Keith. They exchanged chops until Kingston knocked him down and pinned him.

After the match, Schiavone joined them in the ring. Kingston told him "Lois Rules!" and told him to talk to the "Bounty Hunter". Schiavone announced that Keith is all elite! Kingston hugged Keith when Danielson's music hit.

Danielson got in the ring, walked past Kingston, and shook Keith's hand.

Bryan Danielson vs. Hechicero

Before the match started, a promo from Mox aired. He said BCC respects wrestling and they have no reason not to respect CMLL and their fans. Moxley said they must pay for disrespect. AEW is the elite of the elite.


Hechicero made his way to the ring with something on fire. He lit it to make the flame even bigger to cleanse the area. He sat it on the ramp and continued to the ring.

Hechicero had one arm behind his back and shook his opponent's hand. The two locked hands, got to the mat, and went to head-to-head. Hechicero got out of a wrist lock and pointed to his head. They exchanged holds before Danielson put Hechicero in a leg lock. They slapped each other in the face a few times.

Danielson put him in the SOS and then a surfboard manuver. Hechicero put Danielson in the same hold. Hechicero did it twice more. Danieslon can't seem to figure out his opponent and the fans chanted "Hechicero!"

Danielson put Hechicero in the corner to chop and kick him. Hechicero slapped him, which angered Danielson. Danielson flipped Hechicero down and started striking him. Hechicero with a guillotine leg drop a couple times. Danielson had to grab the rope and roll out.


After the break, Hechicero chopped Danielson into the corner and hitting him with body shots. Hechicero hit Danielson with a dropkick. Both men were on the ropes and Danielson headbutted his opponent and followed with a diving headbutt, but Hechicero caught his arm, rolled him up, and nearly pinned him. Danielson his several uppercuts. Hechicero had him in chokehold over the rope and then hit him with a tope suicida.

Hechicero jumped from the top rope onto Danielson, but Danielson got him in the LaBell Lock. Hechicero escaped and twisted his legs and pulled Danielson's arm behind him. Danielson was bleeding from the mouth.

From their knees, they exchanged blows. Danielson got to his feet and kicked him numerous times. Hechicero picked up Danielson and put him in a swinging hammerlock into a backbreaker. Danielson started a "yes!" chant and went for the Busaiku Knee. Hechicero countered and nearly pinned him. Danielson rolled up Hechicero to get the pin.

After the match, Hechicero dropkicked him. He continued to attack Danielson until Claudi Castagnoli saved him.

Backstage, Lexy Nair spoke to FTR and Garcia about their trio continuing. Garcia said some things come together unexpectedly. They will continue for now. FTR and Garcia made the Trios rankings.


HOOK vs. The Outrunners

HOOK vs. The Outrunners

During the last match, it was announced that HOOK arrived and wanted to wrestle two people. Truth went straight to working on HOOK's arm. HOOK put him in an armbar. Turbo and Truth kept tagging in and out. Turbo punched HOOK in the back of the head. He tagged Truth in so they could double team HOOK. As they were flexing, HOOK hit a double clothesline. He suplexed Truth before hitting him. He dumped Turbo over the rope and put Truth in the Redrum.


After the break, Schiavone brought out Mark Briscoe. Briscoe told a story of watching wrestling with his big brother and Schaivone being on TV. This is a special moment for him. Last week, he came out to help his friends FTR and Garcia when he got jumped by House of Black. This has been the most challenging year of his life. The lights went down and a video of HOB played. Malakai Black told Briscoe's speech was touching. He said they were going to eradicate Briscoe from professional wrestling. The lights came up and Schiavone left the ring.

A video package of Adam Copeland played about his "Cope Open". He will wrestle next week.

Serena Deeb vs. Queen Aminata

The women circled before exchanging lock ups. Deeb got Aminata to the mat and stood over to keep her from getting up. Aminata worked Deeb's arm. Deeb put Aminata in a seesaw submission and nearly pinned her. Deeb and Aminata did a test of strength and exchanged holds. Aminata did a shoulder block take down. Deeb had her in a half crab, but Aminata got to the rope. She shoved Deeb into the corner. Deeb hit multiple uppercuts during picture-in-picture.


After the break, Deeb took control of the match. Deeb ducked a lariat and hit one of her own. Deeb punched Aminata in the chest repeatedly and a rolling forearm put Aminata on the mat. Deeb put Aminata with a guillotine choke over the rope and followed with a swinging neckbreaker for two. Deeb put Aminata in a double underhook. Aminata escaped and nearly pinned Deeb. Deeb nearly pinned Aminata. Aminata followed with a headbutt and a hip attack. She went for another, but Deeb rolled out of the ring. Deeb did a figure four around the ringpost. Aminata fought out of the Detox.

Deeb put her in the Serenity Lock for the win.

Red Velvet vs. Vertvixen

Schiavone is a busy man tonight. He brought out Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana. Since its Black History Month, Swerve wanted to recognize great Black wrestlers like Kofi Kingston and Athena. Swerve wants to be champion. Schiavone asked about Hangman Page saying he can't beat him one-on-one. Swerve said he will make Black history by becoming champion. Swerve told Nana there will be no interference.


We get a backstage segment of Toni Storm calling out Deonna Purrazzo. Mariah May asks if Storm saw her match. Storm said "if you've seen one women's match, you've seen them all." Storm said she'll show everyone how technical she can be.

Vertvixen is making her "Collision" debut in 2024. Red Velvet dropped Vertvixen to the mat. Red Velvet hit a cazadora into a side headlock. Velvet hit Vertvixen in the stomach. Vertvixen slammed Velvet to the mat before hitting her with a big boot in the corner.

They exchanged blows. Vertvixen ran at Velvet, but Velvet knocked her down and kicked her in the back. She hit a backstabber on Vertvixen for the win.

Christian Cage & The Patriarchy vs. FTR and Daniel Garcia

Daddy Magic joined commentary. Cage and Patriarchy were accompanied by Mother Wayne. Dax Harwood started the match against Nick Wayne. Wayne quickly took Harwood down. Harwood chopped Wayne, who dropped into the corner. Cage tagged in. Harwood put him in a side headlock and shoulder tackled him. Harwood rolled up Cage twice. Cage rushed back to the corner and tagged in Wayne.


Wayne slapped Harwood in the face. Garcia tagged in and put Wayne in a side headlock, followed by a shoulder tackle. Garcia put him in an armdrag. The two stood face to face. Before Garcia could dance, Wayne slapped him in the face and did his own dance. Garcia put both Wayne and Cage on the outside. FTR and Garcia got in the ring with dancing poses and we go to picture-in-picture.

After the break, Garcia is laid over the bottom rope with Cage standing on his back and pulling up on the top rope. Cage had Garcia in a lock from behind and held his face. In the corner, Killswitch and Wayne hold Garcia by the arms, but Garcia breaks free. Cage goes up top, only to crash and burn. Both men are down. Wayne and Cash Wheeler are tagged in. Wheeler hits uppercuts and a backslide on Wayne. Harwood tags in. FTR double team Killswitch, although he isn't the legal man.


Wayne and Harwood are in the ring. Wayne went up top and Harwood pushed him down and joined him. Harwood with an avalanche suplex. Harwood pinned Wayne, but Killswitch saved him. Killswitch hit a back body drop and chokeslam. Harwood kicks out.

Following another break, Harwood and Cage are legal. Cage tags in Wayne, who elbows Garcia off the apron. Harwood punched Cage and Killswitch. Wayne puts Harwood in a chokehold to no avail. Harwood gets to his feet and puts Wayne in an arm drag.

Wayne tags in Cage who throws Harwood out of the ring. Harwood gets back in and reverses out of the Killswitch Engage. Cage makes it to his corner first. Garcia is tagged in and takes down Wayne and then suplexed him. In the corner, Garcia starts to punch him when he's interrupted by Cage. Garcia and Harwood rain down punches in both corners. Harwood hits a tope on Killswitch. Garcia hit a brainbuster on Wayne.

Garcia tries to put Wayne in a leg lock, but Wayne shoves him into the turnbuckle. Wayne kicked Garcia in the head before mocking him with a dance. Wayne stood over Garcia and slapped him a few times. Garcia kicked Wayne in the gut and followed with a swinging neckbreaker.

Garcia goes up top, but Cage pulls him down. Harwood and Cage fight on the apron. Garcia is shoved off the turnbuckle by Cage and was caught in a cutter by Wayne. Wheeler powerslammed Wayne. Killswitch chokeslammed Wheeler. Cage speared Garcia. Harwood put Cage in the sharpshooter. Wayne hit Harwood with a cutter. Wayne back elbowed Garcia. Garcia pinned Wayne for the win. Garcia danced at an incensed Cage.


Garcia kept staring at Cage's TNT Championship. The show ended with FTR and Garcia dancing at Cage.

