Roderick Strong Reflects On Mentoring Fellow AEW Star Adam Cole

AEW star Roderick Strong has discussed his friendship with Adam Cole, and how the two became friends years ago in ROH.

Strong was a recent guest on Alicia Atout's YouTube channel, where he was asked what makes his friendship with the former WWE star special. 


"It feels amazing [his friendship with Cole]. The biggest thing for me is the effort as a friend," said Strong.

The former ROH World Champion said that he grew up in a dysfunctional environment in his younger years, and having friends who put in the effort was something he cherished. Strong then discussed how he and Cole became best buds, with him revealing that he was at first a mentor of Cole.

"Me and Adam, it's interesting because it started with me trying to mentor him when he came to Ring of Honor just because he was a talent that had a huge upside," said the AEW and ROH star. "Just trying to get a feel for the type of person he was, and he was always very receptive, willing to try anything, and those are the people that are usually the most successful in this business. So it grew from like a business relationship to a personal relationship and like hanging out and stuff. But he's just, honestly, just a great human being and a really great friend that you know is a fantastic listener when I need him, and I, the same for him. We just always kind of had each other's back and it's a very special relationship."


Strong was a part of ROH and had been in the promotion for a few years when Cole joined in 2009. The two forged a friendship that saw them wrestling together in PWG, before moving to WWE and forming Undisputed Era. Last year, Strong reunited with Cole and debuted by saving his friend when he was being attacked by the Jericho Appreciation Society.

