WWE Hall Of Famer Rob Van Dam Discusses Mixed Feelings On Triple-Threat Matches

"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam recently discussed the AEW World Championship triple threat match set for March's Revolution pay per view. On "1 of a Kind", RVD spoke about how these matches can end up becoming repetitive. 


"They're ok, I guess. I don't like being in them as much as a tag match because the story is just so different, and it just seems like a lot of the spots get played out. You know, the triple dome of terror, triple tower, triple tower-dome terror, whatever the f*** you call it where you give the double powerbomb out of the corner. Man, it used to be cool but then I've seen it done a hundred times."

RVD revealed it can be difficult to make an impact, "I don't have the spotlight on me the whole time. A third of the time or so I might be on the floor selling while some other action is going on." On the other hand, RVD said these matches are an opportunity to become creative, "It can be intriguing and can be fun. It's not my least favorite match but overall, I feel like if I'm put in a 3-way/triple threat match, I feel like expectations are gonna be high, and then I automatically wonder like can we come up with stuff that's so different that it makes those expectations?"


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "1 of a Kind " with a H/T to Wrestle Inc. for the transcription.

