WWE Hall Of Famer Hacksaw Jim Duggan Discusses Importance Of Wrestling Title Reigns

WWE Hall of Famer "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan has argued why the goal of wrestling is not to be a champion, which he discussed while talking about long title reigns.

WWE is currently pushing lengthy title reigns with Roman Reigns and GUNTHER, with both having kept a strong grip on their respective titles, while Rhea Ripley and Seth Rollins have also dominated with their runs. While the focal point for many characters on-screen is to dethrone those people heading into WrestleMania 40, Duggan believes wrestling isn't a sport where you're trying to be a champion. 


"That's not the idea of wrestling, holy sh*t, it's a work," he said on "The Hacksaw Hour." "You don't have to be champion, you don't have to win all the time. Bruiser Brody told me he'd put anybody over at any time, 1, 2, 3 dead in the middle, just let him get his stuff on after. Boom, get up, get your 2x4, chase the guy out of the ring, chase the referee out of the ring."

Due to the pre-determined nature of wrestling, many wrestlers with amazing in-ring skills go through their careers without holding titles, as the focus is put on others for a variety of reasons. Duggan believes that wrestling isn't about holding gold as it might be in other sports.

"It's a job," Duggan said. "People look at it, it's not the way to look at our profession."


Duggan himself is a perfect example of how titles aren't needed to create memorable and successful careers in wrestling. While he did hold gold around the world, he never won a title during his entire run in WWE, yet managed to have a Hall Of Fame career that is still spoken about to this day.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "The Hacksaw Hour" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

