Bully Ray Gives Acceptable Scenario For Cody Rhodes Losing At WWE WrestleMania 40

Cody Rhodes will take on Roman Reigns one more time at WrestleMania 40, in pursuit of finally "finishing his story." While many fans hope he'll emerge victorious this time, Bully Ray proposed a scenario where Rhodes doesn't emerge victorious that he would find acceptable on a recent "Busted Open Radio." According to Bully, the idea of Seth Rollins screwing Rhodes over sounds appealing.


"I like the idea of Seth screwing Cody over because it extends Cody's story." Following this, Bully claimed that the story would make sense and could be extended this way. "If they decided to have Seth Rollins screw over Cody, I wouldn't have a problem with it because it would make sense. Once the story's over, the story's over. Now, we're relying on Cody to carry the company for however long." Despite this, Bully noted Rhodes winning at WrestleMania 40 would be great, but that WWE has a chance to extend the story and involve Hulk Hogan.

"Can we stretch the story and in turn get Roman closer to Hogan's record? Can we get Hogan and Roman in the ring with talking segments at the anniversary of Hulkamania? Can we get the championship on Cody at a later date in a prestigious match at a prestigious arena?" Bully explained that having Rhodes end his story in the place Dusty Rhodes began his, would be the best route. "I still stand firm on my suggestion and opinion that Cody's story needs to end where Dusty's started. Madison Square Garden is the absolute best idea — the best place for this story to end." Lastly, he again claimed bringing Hogan in would give the angle more momentum.


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Busted Open Radio," and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

