WWE Hall Of Famer Ron Simmons Looks Back On The Nation Of Domination

WWE's The Nation of Domination was — as its name suggested — one of the most dominating factions in the promotion, and additionally served as the platform for Dwayne Johnson to develop his "The Rock" persona. In a recent appearance at the Music City Multi Con, Ron "Farooq" Simmons looked back at the faction, and notably the additions of The Rock and Owen Hart.


Hart's inclusion into the Nation of Domination has been praised in the years since but was originally puzzling. Simmons addressed the skeptics and explained why this made him a perfect inclusion. He recalled what kind of person Hart was and reiterated the importance of including him.

"Guess what? That's what made it work even better because he seemingly looked like he wouldn't be the guy that fit at all, which made it fit better! Because people weren't looking at it," said the Hall of Famer. "You're talking about somebody that always was there for you, would interject the joke, and keep the locker room full of laughter when you was feeling bad, he was a very intricate addition in the group that kept things going and kept it fresh."


Simmons also commented on The Rock finding his feet within the faction, which was the perfect platform for him to do greater things in WWE. 

"He was open to learning things and coming in and asking ideas of what he thought would work for him and hey, there was a way for him to come in and form his own identity -– which he did! So, it worked out perfectly for him in that regard and everyone else went on to do good."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit Music City Multi Con and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

