Eric Bischoff Comments On Potential Cross-Promotion Between WWE And UFC

Last year, WWE officially merged with the UFC, together becoming a company called TKO Group Holdings under the banner of Endeavor. With the merger comes an opportunity for greater cross-promotion between the two brands and, speaking on a recent edition of "Strictly Business," former wrestling executive Eric Bischoff spoke about the potential of that partnership.


"I think the crossover is just ancillary," Bischoff said. "I don't think it really matters much. It's functional. It doesn't hurt anything. I don't think it's gonna have a dramatic effect on the business."

Bischoff stated that people tend to focus on that aspect of brand partnerships because it's on TV and very apparent. However, it's not something that Bischoff believes will have a big impact on business long-term.

"I think the synergy that matters the most is the synergy that nobody ever sees until after it happens, which is sponsorship [and] arena relationships," Bischoff continued. "Those are the types of synergies that actually matter."

About six months into the merger, onscreen crossover promotion between WWE and UFC has been light. Most notably, UFC fighter Michael Chander appeared on a recent episode of "WWE Raw" and called out rival Conor McGregor. McGregor is someone that some fans and wrestlers have long hoped would make his way into the world of professional wrestling, but the 35-year-old Ireland native has stuck primarily to MMA and boxing. With a much closer relationship between WWE and UFC, however, the Irishman (as well as other UFC competitors) could always change his mind in the future.


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Strictly Business" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

