Janel Grant's Lawyer Calls Love Letter 'Further Proof Of Misconduct' By Vince McMahon

There has been another twist in the ongoing lawsuit filed against Vince McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and WWE by former employee Janel Grant, as the McMahon camp have fired back with a piece of evidence to discredit Grant's allegations. The lawsuit was filed against McMahon, Laurinaitis, and WWE at the end of January 2024, alleging sex trafficking, multiple counts of assault, and rape. However, The New York Post recently published what many have described as a love letter from Grant to McMahon, which was recovered from Grant's work laptop during the company's internal investigation.


Grant claims she was coerced into writing the letter in December 2021, and during a recent interview with John Pollock and Brandon Thurston of POST Wrestling and Wrestlenomics respectively, Grant's lawyer Ann Callis stated that the letter being released was an intimidation tactic. "It was a tactic to intimidate Janel and victim-shame her," Callis said. She explained that victims are often pressured into doing things against their will by their abusers in order to make the relationship between the victim and abuser seem more consensual than it actually is, a tactic used in other sex trafficking cases over the years involving R. Kelly and Jeffrey Epstein.

Grant reportedly penned 24 drafts of the letter, something that McMahon's attorney, Jessica Taub Rosenberg, asserted makes no sense from a victim's perspective. However, Callis claims it's just another case of misconduct on McMahon's part. "For Vince McMahon, it's further proof of misconduct," Callis said. "Redoing and editing the letter, it wasn't love, it was fear of repercussions. She was, frankly, an emotional prisoner and was asked to by Vince McMahon. This isn't a new thing, like 'gotcha.' it happens when people are sex trafficked." Rosenberg has since called Callis' comments "nonsense," and said more pieces of evidence are coming that will prove McMahon's innocence.


Please credit the original source when using quotes from this article, and give a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

