WWE Hall Of Famer Rob Van Dam Discusses Dislike For Matches Becoming A 'Chopfest'

The chop was once a trademark maneuver done by the likes of legendary wrestlers such as Ric Flair, Chief Jay Strongbow, and Kenta Kobashi, but a chop today is predominantly a window for the crowd to "Woo" in homage to Flair rather than a strong offensive maneuver. Some would even argue that like the DDT or superkick, the chop may be overused in modern-day wrestling. 


Rob Van Dam is not a fan of the move being used excessively and discussed his dislike for the increased frequency of chop exchanges in matches, during a recent episode of his "1 Of A Kind With RVD" podcast. "I'm not a fan of how the business has come to every match being a 'chopfest,'" said the ECW legend.

The Hall of Famer noted the chop's value in Lucha Libre but stated that it may take away from the match psychology. "It used to be one or two people would chop and that was kind of like their moves but now everybody wants to chop and it's weird because it's almost like they take a break from competing to stop and say, 'Come on, give it to me! Ya! Ya! You want one?' It's weird 'cause it's like, 'Weren't you guys just having a match and now what? You guys are like drunk college boys at a frat party?'"


Van Dam said that unless it is a build-up to something, these exchanges do very little for storytelling in matches, explaining how chops are being added to matches just for the sake of it.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "1 Of A Kind With RVD" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

