Mark Henry Says Bruce Prichard Couldn't Keep It Together To Produce This WWE Segment

Throughout his wrestling career, Mark Henry was involved in a number of memorable storylines, but none matched the absurdity of his relationship with 77-year-old Mae Young in 2000. Appearing on "Six Feet Under with Mark Calaway," Henry looked back on the storyline, stating that a particular segment was so funny that producer Bruce Prichard was unable to keep his composure.


"Bruce Prichard almost died doing the Valentine's Day deal. I had these red silk boxers on with hearts on them and stuff, and [Young] kept trying to open the fly," Henry explained, laughing. "'Come on, let me see it!' I'm like, 'Stop, Mae! Stop!' And Bruce cannot hold it together. I'm like, 'Hey, man. Be professional. You're supposed to be working!' And he's crying laughing, and had to sit down on the floor and let other people produce his segment."

Despite her controversial behavior, Henry recalled having a positive experience working with Young. The storyline between the two eventually led to a segment that saw Young giving birth on TV — not to a baby, but instead to a rubber hand. It would go down as one of the most over-the-top moments ever put on display by WWE, as recalled by Henry.


"It was so bad that it's great," Henry stated. "That's another thing that's gonna outlive me, is the birth of the hand."

After decades in the wrestling business, Young died in 2014 at the age of 90. She had been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2008 both for her contributions to the company as well as women's wrestling as a whole.

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Six Feet Under with Mark Calaway" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

