Why Rob Van Dam Says John Cena Was A 'Good Soldier' For WWE

WWE Hall of Famer Rob Van Dam has commented on John Cena's ability to be an effective global ambassador for WWE throughout his career. He also explained what separates the 16-time world champion from everybody else in the wrestling industry, including himself. 


Speaking on his podcast "1 Of A Kind," Van Dam praised Cena for being able to represent the company the right way, sharing their core values, and being someone who never said no to anything that was asked of him. However, throughout his own career Van Dam felt that he often turned down ideas or would reject anything he didn't feel like doing. 

"Someone like John Cena, excellent soldier for WWE. He could push their agenda, he could embody all of their values and that's a hell of a thing to have. That is a very valuable soldier to have that will go out there and push your values, whatever they are. The fans love him, he's very talented and I think he chose to be that soldier, whereas I would give a little pushback on certain things, I'm not going to say that, I'm not gonna do that, that makes me look stupid and for me my own values were more important to me. I wanted to represent me, and so in that way, in this conversation, I would have been a leader, a one of a kind, I had no Army," Van Dam said. 


Van Dam recently revealed if he'd be open to another match in WWE, explaining that he'd most likely need to pick up the phone and call them himself to make it happen. 

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "1 Of A Kind With RVD" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

