Brian Gewirtz Talks Infamous Botch That Ended Career Of WWE Hall Of Famer Bret Hart

Bret "The Hitman" Hart, regarded as one of the greatest of his generation, had a sad ending to his storied career when an unfortunate botched kick by Goldberg forced Hart to retire early

In a recent appearance on Eric Bischoff's "83 Weeks" podcast, Brian Gewirtz recalled the incident and the footage where the two wrestlers are calling the match. Gewirtz pointed out how it's clear that there's still heat between Hart and Goldberg today, especially in interviews, but that the footage in the "Who Killed WCW?" docuseries — which Gewirtz is involved with — puts it all into perspective. 


"To see the footage that they're talking about and the match that they're talking about, and hear Bret say, 'Yeah, then he whispered in my ear: watch out for the kick.' And I'm like, 'What?' And it's edited where you could actually see Goldberg whispering that to Brett, and see their honest reactions and their POV."

Seeing the footage and interviews spliced together like that seems to have given Gewirtz a different perspective on the incident, and according to him, both men are right and wrong at the same time. "Depending on your point of view, you know, Goldberg flat out, you know ... Brett says Goldberg didn't know what he was doing, and Goldberg says, 'Yeah, I didn't know what I was doing. I was rushed in and put in there.'"


Hart has time and again criticized Goldberg for the move that ended his career, and the latter has conceded that he was in the wrong, although stating that it was an accident.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "83 Weeks" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

