The Rock Calls Ken Shamrock A Huge Attitude Era Influence, Says Ken Helped Build His Character

As it was reported last week, Ken Shamrock will be coming back to Impact Wrestling on September 5 and September 6 during Impact's Las Vegas tapings. Shamrock's reasoning to come back is because of his Twitter feud with Impact star Moose.

Earlier today Shamrock reminded fans that he will be coming back in September and asked if they would like to see him end up in a match against Impact World Champion, Brian Cage. He was also promoting the news about Impact Wrestling Plus on the Fite TV.

His full tweet was, "Do you want to see me rip @TheMooseNation in half and then start my run through @IMPACTWRESTLINGuntil I get to @MrGMSI_BCage and the World Title? Well you can if you get @IMPACTPlusApp on@FiteTV."

After that, a Twitter user responded about how people don't understand just how underrated Shamrock is as a wrestler. The user then went on to say that he was a huge part of the Attitude Era and had great matches with The Rock, Vader, Owen Hart, etc.

The Impact World Champion agreed with the user and replied, "I agree. Shamrock all around was great. And jacked!"

The Rock then responded a few minutes later and agreed with the both of him. He also said that Ken Shamrock helped build "The Rock" character.

The Rock's full tweet was, "I'll co-sign that. @ShamrockKen helped build "The Rock" character. Huge #AttitudeEra influence. We tore the houses down together. I'll always be grateful and respectful. He's a f—ing machine. They don't make em like that anymore. Thanks for the house brother, Ken ."

Below is their converastion:

