Tallahassee Police Delete Photo Of The Stolen AEW World Title Belt, Investigation Remains Open

As noted, AEW World Champion Chris Jericho allegedly had his title belt stolen on Sunday while eating dinner at a Longhorn Steakhouse in Tallahassee, Florida, just hours after winning the title by defeating Adam Page in the main event of AEW All Out. You can read our original report on what happened by clicking here. You can read Jericho's video promo on the theft by clicking here.

The story took a strange turn today after the Tallahassee Police Department announced on Facebook that the title belt had been found. They then deleted that post and now are saying that the investigation remains "open and active."

Officer Damon Miller, a spokesman for the Tallahassee Police Department, sounded surprised when a reporter for Tallahassee.com asked about the Facebook post.

"Still an open and active investigation," Miller said. "The case has not been closed yet."

Kristin Colville, a spokeswoman for Longhorn, said she didn't have details on the alleged theft.

"I know TPD is investigating," Colville said to Tallahassee.com.

The original post that was deleted featured a TPD officer holding the title. The caption said, "Chris Jericho we have something that belongs to you. Celebrate with #ALittleBitOfTheBubbly. (responsibly of course)! More information to follow. #foundit #championshipbelt"

Below is a screenshot of the deleted Facebook post. Stay tuned for updates on this story.

