Brodie Lee Continues To Reference Vince McMahon On AEW Dynamite

The Dark Order's "Exalted One," Brodie Lee referenced Vince McMahon on last week's Dynamite during a segment when one of his minions sneezed in front of him. As noted, McMahon is not a fan of people doing that in front of him.

Lee appeared on last week's Talk is Jericho and commented about actually having to pitch ideas to the WWE Chairman while he was eating.

"I have pitched many things to him when he is just like chowing down on a salad or something," Lee said. "Then you hand him something and he's like, 'I'll look at it on the plane,' and you're like, 'He's not gonna look at those.' There were times where I was told he was done eating and it was OK to go in, and then you go in there and it's like, nope, he's eating again."

In the video above, Lee continued his Vince mannerisms by forcing his minions to call him by a specific name, "Mr. Brodie." When they didn't do it, he got very mad at them. Lee?dressed in a suit?then asked the minion to say the group's phrase "We are one." When he didn't say it the exact right way, Lee got even angrier, throwing a glass at the wall. A second follower suddenly yawned, which got Lee's attention.

"Is there something going on at home that you want to tell me about?" Lee said to the follower. "Is there a reason you're tired? Is there a reason you're exhausted? Nothing in the world is open, there is no reason for you to yawn in my presence. Do you understand what tiredness shows to people? It shows weakness. Are you weak? Right now, you look weak to me. I can't have that within these doors, do you understand? Don't you ever yawn in my presence again."

It was reported some people within WWE were reportedly "very upset" about Lee's recent shots.

