EC3 Counts Down His 90-Day Non-Compete Clause, Listens To Chris Jericho's "Judas" (Videos)

EC3 was among the wrestlers cut from WWE earlier this month due to WWE's business related changes to the coronavirus pandemic. The former WWE Superstar has not wasted any time hyping his return to the ring, saying he now controls his narrative.

Fans will have to wait though as released talent are under a 90-day non-compete clause, which EC3 is currently counting down on his new website, "Free EC3." The site is literally counting down the seconds until his freedom with a link to merchandise, or, "wearable propaganda."

In the video below, EC3 commented about his dream of being a wrestler turning into a nightmare.

"I've seen in this industry some of the strongest, smartest and most capable people who have ever performed," EC3 said. "I see all this talent. And I see it wasted. An entire generation put their bodies, their souls on the line to entertain, and for what? Money? Fame? Passion. There is no purpose for what we do because we've been told if you work hard, you pay your dues, you do the right thing that you can live your dream. But our dream is policed by a dark room within a corporation. Our dreams have become nightmares. I've realized this and now I have nothing to lose. You have been warned."

In the second video, EC3 works out while listening to "Judas" by Fozzy (Chris Jericho's band). Last February, Jericho posted a photo on social media of the two hanging out while also tagging All Elite Wrestling.

