Joey Ryan Takes Personal Shot At CM Punk When Responding To Punk's Lawsuit Comments

Joey Ryan recently fired back at CM Punk with a personal shot after Punk responded to Ryan's tweet on dismissing the multi-million dollar lawsuit against former ROH talent Pelle Primeau.

As noted before, Ryan announced earlier this week that he was dropping several of his defamation lawsuits that came after the allegations against him in the "#SpeakingOut" movements last summer. He also issued a lengthy statement on his addictions and other topics. You can click here for that statement and report. Ryan noted then that he still had not made a decision on the lawsuit against Primeau, but he then announced on Wednesday night that he had decided to drop the Primeau lawsuit.

Punk responded to Ryan's statement on the Primeau lawsuit, which you can click here to read. Punk told Ryan to dismiss the lawsuit with prejudice if he was sincere about why he dropped the lawsuit, which would prevent Ryan from pursuing the case against Primeau as long as statute of limitations have not expired.

In an update, Ryan later fired back at Punk and took a shot at how Punk promised former best friend and current AEW star Colt Cabana that he would cover his legal fees from their lawsuit against WWE doctor Chris Amann.

Ryan wrote, "I meant what I said more than you meant when you told your best friend that you'd cover his legal fees."

Cabana filed a lawsuit against Punk in August 2018 for $1.2 million for breach of contract and fraud over legal fees related to their lawsuit against Amann. Cabana claimed that Punk promised to cover his legal bills, however Punk's legal team dropped him as a client. Cabana got his own representation after their falling out. That suit was dismissed, and Cabana filed another suit last December seeking $200,000 for his personal legal costs and additional damages. Punk's countersuit seeking $600,000 and Cabana's lawsuit were dismissed in September 2019. Punk and Cabana both filed for the case to be dismissed, and there was no financial settlement involved. The lawsuits were dismissed without prejudice, meaning neither party could file another lawsuit against the other over the matter.

Punk has not responded to Ryan's last tweet as of this writing, and Ryan has not made any other posts since then. You can see their related tweets below:

