Drew McIntyre On Incident That Led To Jeff Hardy's Release

In an interview with Steve Muehlhausen of DAZN, WWE star Drew McIntyre was asked about the release of Jeff Hardy from WWE after Hardy walked out of a house show match where he was teaming with McIntyre. The former WWE Champion made a statement about the internet blowing the incident of the proportion, and ultimately said as long as Jeff Hardy was healthy and happy, then McIntyre himself was happy.


"For one, as usual, the internet can take something and blow out of proportion," McIntyre said. "But all I'll say on the matter is I just want what's best for Jeff and for him to be healthy. As long as he's good, as long as he's healthy, as long as he's happy with his family, then Drew McIntyre is happy."

McIntyre was also asked about his 2021, a year which began with him as WWE Champion, saw him wrestle Bobby Lashley at WrestleMania and ended with him on the new brand of Smackdown. For McIntyre, it's all part of the journey.

"2021 was peaks and valleys for Drew McIntyre," McIntyre said. "That's what it's all about, like not just in WWE, but in any movie and TV shows you watch, real life, there's always going to be ups, and there's going to be downs. My whole life has been about ups and downs. As part of the Drew McIntyre story, obviously, 2020 was very much and living in the peaks for basically the whole year. And then, during 2021, I've had to go into some of those valleys, but everyone watches my journey to get to take the ride with me. It makes me more relatable as somebody who's six-foot-five, 270 pounds, hairy and Scottish.


Not exactly the most relatable and blessed to tell my story, which is Drew's had to go through a lot and had to work really hard. Sometimes it's not done, but he always gets back up, and people can relate to that. That's what 2021 was for me. As much as I reached the top, I went down again, had to find a way up, down, and get my way up. I can hear by the reactions on a SmackDown show and the live events, people are digging that. They're getting louder and louder all the time because we're taking people on that ride where 'oh, yes, first violin bag, that's our guy. He's one of us.' Nobody beat me for these last couple of years, which has been awesome that I don't have to play a character anymore. Big, angry, hairy, Scotsman, just not really characters generic as hell. (Seeing) the real Drew. I'm real. Obviously, it's been Drew Galloway as Drew McIntyre."

