Ruby Soho Provides Injury Update

Ruby Soho has provided an update on social media regarding her recovery from the broken nose she suffered during the mixed tag team match that pitted her and Ortiz against Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo at AEW's All Out last month.

It was revealed previously that the former Riott Squad leader was set to undergo surgery on her nose. Soho shared a photo of herself after undergoing the procedure and tweeted: "Finally! After a month since breaking my nose at All Out. The countdown begins until I can breathe again, can't you see my excitement?!"

It's unknown when Soho will be able to make her in-ring return. Before the injury, Soho had been working with Ortiz, whose tag team partner Santana is out with an injury. Soho and Ortiz competed in five mixed tag team matches before she was injured, winning four of them before losing at All Out. 

Several wrestlers reacted to Soho's post, including WWE's Bayley, who tweeted: "Only you would dress all cute n stuff at the hospital. Can't wait til you can smell your horses [sh*t] again." She followed that up with another message: "Why's everyone taking this da wrong way. Ruby's cute with a cute outfit, cute shoe size and cute nose. I genuinely can't wait til she's better geez."

FTR's Dax Harwood also sent Soho a message via Twitter: "Me, Fin, & Maria are thinking about you, Rubes. Fin has legit asked me 10 times since it happened if I know how you are. We Love you dude!"

