Chris Jericho Compares Ricky Starks To The Rock As A 'Generational Talent'

Ricky Starks kicked off the new year with a big victory over Chris Jericho on "AEW Dynamite." Since then, Starks' feud with the Jericho Appreciation Society has carried on, and he is lined up for another go with Jericho next week at Revolution. But through it all, Jericho has seen what Starks is capable of on full display for the AEW fans. On today's "Busted Open Radio," he spoke about whether or not sharing the ring with Starks gave him similar feelings as standing in there with The Rock — a wrestling legend Starks has often been compared to.

"Well I mean, when you first stand in the ring with The Rock, you talk about a generational talent. That's a different level," Jericho started. "But the thing about Ricky, I've seen glimpses of that, which is great."

For Jericho, the point of this entire feud has been for Starks to continue to build himself up, to keep harnessing what makes him special. Going a step further, he singled out a promo Starks cut in San Antonio as one that "really blew my mind." Yet while not everything has hit exactly right in Jericho's mind, citing the nature of the business, last night's interaction on "Dynamite" certainly did.

"I think last night was the best Starks has been in our program so far," he continued, stressing that Starks has started to develop a lot of nuances when it comes to his promo work — something Jericho believes a lot of younger performers are lacking due to fear or inexperience. "I think Ricky is really starting to hone in on that and figure it out, which has been great."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit SiriusXM's "Busted Open Radio" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc for the transcription.

