Natalya Names Her Mt. Rushmore Of Canadian Wrestlers
The nation of Canada has played a monumental role in professional wrestling history, undeniably producing a number of the best performers the industry has ever seen. During a WrestleMania weekend interview with Chris Van Vliet, WWE star and Canada native Natalya went on the record when asked to share her top four Canadian wrestlers of all time.
"First and foremost, Bret Hart," Natalya said, placing her uncle squarely in the top position. "I would say Stu Hart, because my grandpa was amateur wrestling champion of Canada. ... Owen Hart, and if I was to pick one more on that Mount Rushmore, ... I will throw in Edge." Natalya joked that she would put herself on the list, seeing as she's the best of all time, but instead opted to remain humble by adding a non-Hart wrestler to the top four.
Despite not being a member of her family, Natalya had excellent things to say about Edge, touting his 31 title reigns in WWE, as well as his ability to perform at such a high level as he approaches age 50. The Ontario native returned in 2020 after being forced to retire in 2011 due to injury and, though he has given no firm timeline on when he'll retire from wrestling once and for all, the WWE star has stated he would like to wrestle his final match in his home country.
The Hart family has long been one of the most important dynasties in professional wrestling, producing a number of top stars over the years, including those that Natalya listed. Additionally, a long list of prominent professional wrestlers trained in Stu's "dungeon," including the likes of Chris Jericho, Brian Pillman, and many more, further proving the importance of the Hart legacy in the industry.