WWE Hall Of Famer Jake The Snake Roberts Provides Update On Buff Bagwell's Recovery

Throughout the years, Marcus "Buff" Bagwell's problems with addiction and personal setbacks have been well documented. However, the former WCW star has been sober for quite some time and he's currently doing well, according to WWE Hall of Famer Jake "The Snake" Roberts. On the latest episode of "The Snake Pit," Roberts provided an update on Bagwell's road to recovery, noting that he's keeping his head down and getting on with things.


"He's doing pretty well, man. He's hanging and banging, and he's staying clean, staying sober. And he's taking care of some court stuff, some of the stuff that helped get you there. When you're a bad boy, you gotta suffer the consequences, and he's taking care of those consequences now. He's not b****ing about it, he's just doing it."

Recently, Bagwell revealed that he'd been arrested for a DUI years ago. Furthermore, he also received a sanction for failing to document an out-of-state trip, which could explain the "court stuff" Roberts referred to.

Last year, Bagwell checked himself into rehab with the help of WWE Hall of Famer Diamond Dallas Page. The former NWO member was also invited to live with Page afterward while they worked on his recovery, leading to the filming of a reality series. As of this writing, it's unknown when the reality series is expected to air, but DDP provided an update last October, revealing that they've finished shooting it.


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "The Snake Pit" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

