WWE Hall Of Famer Eric Bischoff Explains How He'd Advise CM Punk

As of this afternoon, a reunion between WWE and CM Punk appears to be unlikely, after reports emerged that the two sides hadn't had any talks, and no deal between them was close. There is some good news for Punk, however, as Eric Bischoff has some ideas on how Punk could possibly rebuild that bridge.


On the latest episode of "83 Weeks," recorded before these recent reports emerged, Bischoff, who has been critical of Punk in the past, revealed how he would advise Punk to approach a WWE return, and the result of his wrestling career should he find a way back to WWE.

"If I did know Punk...I would advise him 'If you have an opportunity to end your career on a very positive note, and oh by the way...depending on how things go, [earn] ten million dollars in the process...but more importantly, leave the industry with a great taste in your mouth, and a great taste in the fan's mouth, think really hard about what you need to do to get that opportunity,'" Bischoff said. "And I think if Punk can do that...if he can overcome some of the other issues, which I think can be done...I'm living proof it can be done in WWE. 


"If you can get past all of that and go out there and end your career, financially on a very high note, but what will matter the most 20 years from now is the way Phil Brooks, in retirement, can look back at his career. It may not matter as much now, it will matter 10 years from now or 20 years from now, the way you feel about how you spent the largest part of your professional career. And it's the opportunity to end it on a high note "

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "83 Weeks" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription

