Why Bully Ray Calls WWE's Randy Orton The Best 'Pure Pro Wrestler'

WWE will be boosted by the return of Randy Orton at Survivor Series, whom Bully Ray has dubbed an "incredible pro wrestler." The "Viper" is set to be the final member of Team Rhodes in WarGames, competing for the first time in over a year due to a back injury


"When you look at Randy Orton's contemporaries, his fellow wrestlers that came up started with him in his day; John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns, Seth, Mox all of these guys seem to have bigger personalities than Randy," he said on "Busted Open Radio." "Randy being the best pure pro wrestler out of all of them." The third-generation star has always been praised for his smoothness inside the ring, and that is reflected in the fact he has won 14 World Titles throughout his career. However, while Bully believes that Orton is a fantastic in-ring talent, he also thinks Orton hasn't always thrived when it comes to showcasing his personality.

"What did we get when we got Randy Orton? We got a great pro wrestling match, a technical pro wrestling match, a guy who was so smooth, so on his game, but there was nothing else there, there was no depth to Randy," Bully claimed. Despite that, Bully did praise Orton for showcasing his range of character throughout his tag team run with Matt Riddle — which he was in the midst of prior to getting hurt. However, with Riddle having been released during his time on the shelf, Orton will have to try and capture the same magic.


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Busted Open Radio" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

