WWE Hall Of Famer Booker T Says Company 'Needs To Pull The Trigger' On This Star

Randy Orton and CM Punk have been prominently featured on WWE programming since their respective returns at the 2023 Survivor Series: WarGames event last month. As expected, the resurgence of Orton and Punk has been greeted with much excitement, but it's also caused a slight sense of worry, particularly with how some other stars may lose out on television time as a result. On a recent episode of "The Hall of Fame" podcast, one fan brought up this ongoing concern, pointing toward LA Knight as one of the talents who appears to be losing momentum in WWE right now. In response, WWE Hall of Famer Booker T suggested that the company deliver a major, and immediate, push to the "WWE SmackDown" star.


"That's the way the old mop flops sometimes, but me personally, I said we need to pull the trigger on LA Knight. We need to do it quick," Booker said. "I'm sure all of this stuff with CM Punk unfolded rather quickly [with] him getting back in the game. We've been anticipating Randy's return for quite some time so that wasn't a surprise or anything, but having more than one person to compete with at one time, it could be rather [difficult]. It could shake up everything. So you might be right on that, but hopefully, LA Knight can hold his own, and stay right there in the middle of the game. That's what I'm hoping anyway."

Despite the concern surrounding Knight's current booking in WWE, Booker is confident that Knight will play a significant role in the upcoming WrestleMania 40 event in Philadelphia. "I do see LA Knight being a huge player for WrestleMania night one or night two, he's got to be. No doubt, that's the ultimate goal," Booker said.


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