Video: Andrade To Be Joined By Fellow AEW Star At Tonight's CMLL Show

Andrade El Idolo is making his return to his former home of Lucha Libre CMLL tonight, with his last match in the promotion having taken place back in 2015. The promotion announced via social media that Andrade will be joined by CJ Perry, who has been accompanying the wrestler on AEW TV in recent weeks. In the video, both Andrade and Perry can be seen commenting on the announcement.


"This Friday, it will be my first time ever at Arena Mexico, debuting at CMLL with my client coming back after eight years," Perry said. "Mexico City!"

In a storyline taking place on "AEW Collision," Perry went through a series of clients, who were systematically demolished by her husband, Miro, out of jealousy. Over the last few weeks, Perry has been supporting Andrade during the Continental Classic, with Miro promising not to interfere until the tournament is over. While it seems likelier than not that the partnership between Perry and Andrade will be short-lived, she will be present for a major moment in his career tonight.


Andrade is set to team with Soberano Jr. and Angel de Oro, facing off against Mistico, Atlantis Jr., and Star Jr. In addition to Andrade's return to CMLL, where he used to wrestle as La Sombra, the match is notable for pitting Andrade against an old ally — Mistico. The two were tag partners early in Andrade's career, bringing back the team for several stints throughout Andrade's time in CMLL.

La Sombra was a key figure in the formation of the Log Ingobernables faction. That group still exists in various incarnations spread throughout AAA, AEW, and NJPW, with the different factions led by El Terrible, Rush, and Tetsuya Naito respectively, and it could be very interesting to see Andrade's future involvement with the group play out — either as an ally or enemy.

