WWE HOFer Booker T Responds To Ahmed Johnson Calling Him A 'Lowlife' For Criminal Past

Generally speaking, Ahmed Johnson and Booker T aren't two wrestlers one would associate with the other. But the two are linked via their origins, with both training to become wrestlers in Texas, while Booker later feuded with Johnson and Booker's brother, Stevie Ray, in WCW, over the rights of the Booker T name. And unfortunately, there's no love lost between the two.


On the latest episode of "The Hall of Fame" podcast, Booker addressed recent comments Johnson had made about him on another podcast regarding Booker serving time in prison.

"I actually heard the interview...he said what a low life I was, going to prison for robbing people," Booker said. "And I must say, I did go to prison for robbing people...I was a kid, and I think I've atoned for every piece of dirt I put down back in the day. I was a kid that made a mistake. He talks about being in a gang as a youth himself. What do gangs do? What do they normally do? They're normally not the pillars of society, I'm just saying."

Booker also addressed Johnson's claims that he had a story about something that had happened to Booker while he was in prison, with the five-time WCW Champion issuing Johnson a warning should he choose to make the story public.


"I hope he tells that story, I really do," Booker said. "He'll see a different side of me if he does tell a false story that's totally not true. Because I've got facts, I've got receipts as far as everything I'm saying. If he tells a lie about me, he's probably going to end up in court, and he's probably going to end up getting sued from defaming me."

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