WWE Vet Al Snow Discusses 'The Rub' OVW Got From Netflix Show Wrestlers

Though Netflix may have reached a 10-year, $5 billion deal with WWE last week to air "WWE Raw" on its service starting in 2025, the streaming powerhouse had already dipped its toes into pro wrestling months before. Back in September, Netflix aired the docuseries "Wrestlers," which focused on former WWE star Al Snow's promotion Ohio Valley Wrestling, giving the promotion a boost that led to a partnership with Genvec Ventures, and Mickie James joining in an executive role.


Speaking with "Developmentally Speaking," Snow talked about the good times in OVW now, largely due to Netflix putting a spotlight on them. However, Snow admitted it also presented some difficulties as well, particularly in OVW having to live up to the extra attention placed on them.

"It comes with its own challenges," Snow said. "Now is the time where we really have to work even harder. I mean, it's fantastic and the rub, or the shine from Netflix has been amazing, and I'm so grateful to Gret Whiteley...he and his talented crew made everything here look amazing. And we're on a great run. We just got to now capitalize on that and...when the novelty wears off, keep that audience. Keep that ball rolling. So the pressure's on. 


"It's even more...it's awesome, we've been selling out repeatedly, week after week, both live television and...we're sold out for our February 10th PPV already. We sold out last week. Great! But that just puts more pressure that we've got to deliver a certain level of experience to keep...not only keep the audience we've garnered from Netflix coming back, but gaining more, and just building off of what we have. The stress never ends, it just keeps going, every single week."

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Developmentally Speaking" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription

