Parties To Janel Grant WWE Lawsuit Submit Stipulation Agreeing To Potential Timeline

The timeline for the pending civil lawsuit against Vince McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and WWE continues to become clearer, little by little. Over the last few weeks, lawyers for McMahon and Laurinaitis filed motions to compel arbitration in the case rather than see it go to civil court. Now, all involved parties have agreed on terms relating to when the necessary paperwork must be filed to consider the case for arbitration.

The defendants have until May 14 to file their official motion, while the plaintiff will have until June 4 to respond officially. After that, lawyers for the defendants will have an opportunity to reply by June 18 before the judge makes a ruling based on the available facts and arguments.

As of now, WWE has yet to file their motion for arbitration, but lawyers for the company have expressed their intention to do so. If that motion succeeds, the details of the arbitration will remain confidential, as opposed to a civil lawsuit, in which virtually all relevant information becomes public.

In the lawsuit, former WWE employee Janel Grant claims she was hired at the behest of McMahon with an understanding that she would engage in a sexual relationship with the then-CEO. Grant has accused both McMahon and Laurinaitis of rape and claims that individuals within WWE knew the nature of her employment.

Along with the civil suit, McMahon is reportedly under federal investigation, though it has yet to be confirmed if it relates to Grant's accusations. McMahon stepped down from his role as Executive Chairman at TKO Group Holdings earlier this year, with various WWE officials confirming that the former CEO no longer has any ties to the company other than his current stock ownership.

If you or anyone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, help is available. Visit the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network website or contact RAINN's National Helpline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).

